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Gillian knew she’d reached the end of the line The last stop on the road of her life The place where she would take her eternal dirt nap

Stick a fork in me, I’th to toss and turn, and her body hurt as if countless needles had been plunged into every organ Her hands and feet were ice-cold, et ware wheeze

Puck had told her she’d have a feeeks to live, but she hadn’t even made it a full week

Not ready Have never really lived

Tears burned her eyes She’d spent the bulk of her childhood afraid of her stepdad and stepbrothers She’d spent the past three years afraid of immortal warriors who’d never harmed her, who’d only ever protected her She’d spent the past three years afraid of everything and everyone Foolish! That fear had robbed her of so much, and she had no one but herself to blao out with friends from school and create happy rief Thishe’d paced beside her bed He’d yelled at several doctors, and she was pretty sure he even killed a couple of the crews had come in and out, ordered not to look at or talk to her, but her mind had remained in such a haze it had all seeain

Transforht, I can but I won’t It will kill her, son

She’s dying anyway

This is true, but I won’t be the instruive me

If she dies, I’ll tear this world apart

Bond with her, then

Ican’t You know this

Wrong You won’t, as you shouldn’t But this doesn’t have to be the end for her You can capture her spirit when it leaves her body I’ll gift her with a pair of serpentine wreaths and--

No! I won’t allow you to enslave or corrupt her

I voill never call on her services, Hades had said, sounding offended