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Baden tracked hi out his heart That Easily

Pandora appeared behind the creature She swung her sword, hacking off his head The head flew like a football The body flopped to the ground like a wet noodle, blood spurting out, quickly creating a pool

One down, o His enemies eakened from the battle Strike now!

Shhh You don’t need to kill anyone I’ll keep you safe

Katarina’s voice drifted through his head, soothing Destruction, and Baden frowned She wasn’t here, and she’d never said those words to hiuard hi his shoulder

Cal, "Hoen? The others?"

Agony darkened the warrior’s eyes "Lucien flashed her to a safe house, and as soon as Cath to relocate the others Everyone but Galen is accounted for If he’s here, he’s buried in the rubble"

"He’s not here He’s been gone for hours" Torin scrubbed a hand down his face, leaving streaks of crimson behind "Our piece of shit attacker knew to take Keeley out first so that she would be unable to aid us He purposely bo the rest of the fortress"

"Everyone is"

Sabin gave a stiff nod "Alive, yes Stable? No"

Baden locked on Pandora, atched his friends with murder in her eyes "You," he spat "Had you not attacked s, ouldn’t have been distracted"

They were in each other’s faces a o at o How’s your vision Twenty-shitty?"

She screeched and drew back her fist Maddox got between them and pushed them apart "Leave," he told her "Now Or Baden won’t be the only one beating on you"