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"Benefits to having h said"

--Hades, one of the nine kings of the underworld

GUILT COULD NOT change the past Worry could not change the future And yet, both followed Baden with relentless determination One brandished a barbed whip, the other a serrated blade, and though he had no visible wounds, he bled buckets every--damned--day

The constant stream of pain provoked the beast Upon his return from the dead, the creature moved into his mind His new companion was far worse than any deewas starved for prey

Kill someone Kill everyone!

It was the beast’s war cry A command Baden heard whenever someone approached hie to obey always followed

I will not kill, he vowed He was not the beast, but separate

Easily said Harder to enforce He prowled from one corner of his bedroo the soft cotton in an effort to assuage the constant disco Another perk of returning from the dead

The butterfly he’d tattooed on his chest hadn’t helped the pain, quickly becoetting the is and horned antennae resembled the mark of the demon he’d carried before his death; now, the ain That he had friends--brothers and a sister by circumstance who loved him That he wasn’t an outsider, even if he felt like one

He drained the beer he held and tossed the bottle against the wall The glass shattered He was different now, it was an undeniable truth, and he no longer fit within the fao, he’d allowed the ene his friends to continue the ith the Hunters whilehim Unconscionable!

But he also bla like a precious newborn The beast hated everyone he adored--the men and women Baden owed a blood debt--and ithewould stop at nothing to destroy thee to lash out overshadowed Baden’s desire to right the wrongs he’d cos