Awaken Me Darkly

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Awaken Me Darkly
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Time: 8 month ago

Awaken Me Darkly (Alien Huntress 1) RIDDING THE WORLD OF EVIL, ONE ALIEN AT A TIME: THAT&39;S MIA SNOW&39;S MISSION Snow is in the forecast In a time and place not too far away, Mia Snow is an alien huntress for the New Chicago Police Departation and Re the elusive eneirl for the job She&39;s seen her brother die at the hands of aliens She&39;s earned each of her scars And she&39;ll die before she cries Now, a series of killings have Mia and her partner Dallas tracking alien suspects -- but a sudden blast of violence leaves Dallas fighting for his life They are ice and fire The chance to save Dallas appears in the forer An alien A murder suspect Kyrin en Arr, of the deadly Arcadian species, holds the power to heal the injured agent but not without a price For Mia Snow, that price is surrendering to Kyrin&39;s forbidden seductionand e a knife&39;s edge, risking her badge and even her life The closer she gets to Kyrin, the more Mia learns about her own heart, her hu secret that will shatter everything she&39;s ever believed
