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The King Tiffany Reisz 5820K 8 month ago

"Anyway, thank you Forthere"

"It’s always a pleasure forcing you to do things you don’t want to do"

"I like it better when you force sley You know--"

"I know Forget it I need to ask you soay teenagers to be reoriented?"

"God loves you the way you are, Kingsley You are created in His ie and are fearfully and wonderfully sley said "Nohat do you know about the therapy works as well as trying to turn a left-handed person into a right-handed person You’re fighting nature tooth and nail It’s far ht"

"It would have ?"

"Long story," he said "Does your church have posters of aborted fetuses hanging up?"

"There was one in the narthex when I arrived here in March I o over?"

"I told the objecting church ns that featured dead children as that see the sanctity of life Andfrom?"

"I talked to someone from the WTL church today"

"Please, don’t tell me I inadvertently turned you into a fundamentalist when I baptized you"

"That was an atte on"

"Fuller has an office in the city I stopped by and talked to an assistant The church runs reorienting camps I found out today someone committed suicide at one of thees filed"

"You sound angry Are you taking this personally?"

Kingsley paused before answering

"Sam was sent to one of those camps"

"I see And this upsets you"

"Sasley, don’t look now, but you have a crush on your secretary"

"I do not have a crush on my secretary"

"Methinks the Frenchay, remember?"