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Melt for You JT Geissinger 17600K 8 month ago

"I just wanted to see if you felt like going to that new tapas place after work A bunch of us are going for happy hour"

She’s being nice because I’m so pitiful, which makes me feel even worse "It’s sweet that you always include esture helplessly at the sheaf of papers Portia left onand a smile

I spend the next few hours atafter everyone else has gone ho after any sane person would’ve packed it in

Maybe I ate allon of ice creaet back to ot a headache that feels like a serial killer is drilling a hole into the top of my head with a rusty drill bit soaked in hot sauce My plan is to eat soet back into the office bright and early to work on thethe co for security reasons, so I’ back to my desk

Thank you, Portia

As soon as I step off the elevator, I hear thewith bass--some kind of rock Or maybe rap I can’t tell for sure All I know is that the lyrics include a feords that would curl my mother’s hair

As I walk down the hall, I’ fro by all the voices and raucous laughter, hbor isn’t alone

Kellen never has parties

Irritated, I pull up my coat sleeve and look at my watch I debate whether or not I should knock on his door, butnoises thatbass, so I decide to eat first and deal with Kellen on a full sto I’d do is eat I can’t handle life when I’ley attacks

"Rr-ow!" He stands on his hind legs and sinks his claws into onna feed you right now, okay?"

Another howl tells me I better, or there will be hell to pay

I scratch behind Mr Bingley’s ears, talking baby talk to him the way he likes, which makes him sink his claws deeper into my skirt in pleasure, which in turnthe eternal feline/human relationship in balance He’s lucky he’s so adorable, or INever ley, we both knoho’s in charge

I close the front door, dropatley trotting at er tabby cat with amber eyes and a fluffy plume of a tail He’s also totally deaf--the unfortunate side effect of a reaction to antibiotics prescribed for an ear infection He doesn’t seem to mind, however, or even realize he’s handicapped I think he’s learned how to read lips

The only problem is that I can’t sneak up behind hi by his claws fro

"You’re lucky you can’t hear thata can of cat food froe and rubbing his head against s I fork the food into his special china dish, put it on the floor, and watch, ss in

Then I jump at the sound of a woman’s screaalloping, I flatten h the peephole The hallway is empty Warily, I ease open the door and poke my head out Then I hear another screahter and a chorus offro without of control, I start to fume I picture an inflatable kiddie pool filled with Jell-O in the irls squirleefully spray thene and dollar bills

Before I can talkor to Kellen’s door