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The Siren Tiffany Reisz 5060K 8 month ago

William smiled at the twenty-year-old child who loved him more than he could or would ever deserve

"But what if the eneht isn’t the ene out to take her face in his hand He forced her to aze and for a moment he let his eyes fill with all his darkest desires "What if this enemy is only ht her that, as well

"Then I will save you froht Did that poor smitten lad have any idea that he was the inspiration for Nora’s latest hopeless, love-struck heroine? Did Nora even know it herself? I will save you fro those very words to Nora He hadn’t learned yet you couldn’t save someone who didn’t want to be saved

Zach wanted to be saved He tried to conjure the iht as a sparrow, trying to lift and carry him on her back She’d had the chance to save him once That day he told her about the job at Royal House, that he would beto the States, she could have saved hio with you" She could have saved him with a word--"Don’t"

Zach opened his email Nora--you cut half this chapter or I’ll cut half this chapter Either way half of it is getting cut

He hit Send without remorse Nora truly worked better when he was at his most brutally honest with her He didn’t have to couch a criticism inside a compliment She didn’t want compliments She wanted her book to be better