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“Stop it, Garrett, I’,” Ty said as he jabbed at the radio

“How in the world did they get you to sing, anyway?” Zane asked

“Sing where?” Ca Ty any twitchier

Ty looked at Zane pointedly He glanced over his shoulder at Caames,” he said to Cameron, and then he looked at Zane and spoke in a lower voice “I just do”

“Season’s suspended,” Zane said “City’s refurbishing that field”


Zane lifted one shoulder “They called while you were gone about what to do with the Bronco”

Ty cleared his throat and hung his head “Are they releasing her?”

“Yeah I had them keep her in the impound lot so you could see her one last ti to be done”

“We’ll just see about that,” Ty said with a deter

“You’re talking like somebody died,” Cameron said

“She did,” Ty said without

Zane glanced up to make eye contact with Cameron in the rearview mirror, and he shook his head

“My condolences,” Cameron murmured, a little mystified He looked over at Julian, brow raised

Julian shrugged, a difficult action the way he was restrained, and he whirled his finger around his te to think Julian was right about Ty being crazy Maybe Zane too, if he thought any of what they’d just talked about made any sense

“Can I choose to ride in the boot, now?” Julian asked

“Shut up,” Ty and Zane both answered

ZANE stepped out of the second travel plaza facility of the day with Ca air It had begun to snow, dropping fat flakes that were already beginning to pile up

Zane shivered and glanced back inside It was too cold to wait for Ty and Julian out here With a stea hot coffee in one hand and Caht a glias puh to warrant a second glance He slowed, staring hard at it Even as he did so, the car started, its lights blinking on, and it pulled away fro and headed for the exit

“What’s wrong?” Cameron asked as he watched the car drive away

Zane pursed his lips “Nothing Co”

The car didn’t give hiht about a suspicious vehicle on their tail It was probably nothing to worry about They headed back to the car, and Zane secured Cameron with a little bit less veheer side and started the car, sighing in relief as the warm air touched his skin

They had stopped for gas and so to keep Ty’s hands busy, and Zane had been so close to buying a stress ball he’d found inside that he still regretted notthe purchase Ty loved road trips, but he really needed to be the one driving He wasn’t cut out for the idle, easy passage of tiers

Soon enough, Ty and Julian returned Ty shoved Julian into the backseat and clanked his handcuffs into place They were arguing Again Zane turned in his seat to watch them

“I refuse to search you every tiritted teeth

“Then don’t do it, Agent Grady It’s very sih the ever-increasingly co hi in the trunk

“Then stop trying to escape!”

“You wouldn’t have one modicum of respect for me if I didn’t try to escape”