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"Ask her," Ben advised

"Ask Chrissie? You have to be kidding!"

"Why not?" Ben de works better than the direct approach According to Mary, that’s o stuff That went out with the seventies If nothing else, Chrissie will respect you for being forthright enough to ask"

Ben’s idea orthy of consideration "I’ll think about it," he said

Scott finished his coffee, but when he went to pay for it, Ben told hienerosity hadn’t changed In addition to a good cup of coffee, he’d given Scott so to think about

The next few days passed quickly Thursday afternoon Scott had an appoint room when Chrissie walked into the reception area She halted midstep the instant she saw him

"Hello, Scott," she said, her voice re the need to explain the purpose of his visit, he added, "I have an appointment with Tracy"

"Yes, I know" She held a folder pressed flat against her stootten why she’d co very well for you at Midnight Sons"

"I’ myself"

"Everyone’s pleased to have you ho if she included herself

"Your faht hesitation

"I had coffee at Ben’s the other day," he said casually, hoping to ease into aI swear he hasn’t changed at all"

"He’s wonderful So is Mary"

A short silence follohich Chrissie broke "I understand Matt and Karen rented you one of the renovated cabins"

So she’d been checking up on hi Maybe, just e to ask her out "I was thinking you and I ested

Her eyes widened and her arhtened around the folder

"A drink," she repeated slowly "At Ben’s?"

He nodded "Or dinner, if you prefer"

She squared her shoulders and chewed her lower lip before answering "I don’t think so"

He shrugged, as if her refusal was of little consequence to his I wanted to discuss with you"

Chrissie’s expressive eyes had always told hi before she uttered a word He’d wondered if this would be a detriment to her as an attorney, but apparently that wasn’t the case

"You had so you wanted to talk to me about?" she finally said


She worried her lower lip further "Maybe…" She hesitated, then seeain her resolve "I don’t think so, Scott Thanks, anyway" She turned away to enter her office

"How long do you intend to avoid me?" he called after her

At his question, she turned back "Avoid you? Don’t flatter yourself What I intend to do is live my life just the way I ayou out That’s not the sa"

"I see"

"Apparently you don’t," she returned in her best lawyer voice "You’re out of my life, Scott That was your choice, not e, Chrissie They--"

"Oh, no, you don’t," she interrupted, waving her finger at hiain"

"I asked you out for a drink I wasn’t proposing we ether"

"Oh, sure, a drink--for old times’ sake"

"No," he corrected "A drink to clear the air I deserve that e "What you deserve, Scott O’Halloran, is a slap across the face" She raised her chin so high she threatened to put her neck out of joint "All right," she said abruptly "Fine As a matter of fairness I’ll have a drink with you"