Royal Savage

Romance 140K Active
Royal Savage
Latest: Page 73
Time: 8 month ago

ROYAL SAVAGE I CAN’T CLOSE MY EYES… I refuse to Every time I do, all I see is blood, death, and pain I can feel it - alht It doesn&39;t er need it, I no longer want it I despise it along with everything else aroundfade away I&39;ve given up Until her at least… AVALON She co me on my ass It turns me on to have her around ht little throat and fuck her until she feels my pain, feels the monster inthat she should be afraid of e that I’m capable of; she’ll look at me like everyone else around me does: with fear AVALON KNIGHT HIS EYES THE DARKNESS IN the me want to taste hiotten on the back of his motorcycle that day I know that now Colton warnedwould be the saerous, dark, and seductive; the very thing that keeps ive my last breath just to touch hihly captivating So different from his brother… He&39;s hazardous tothat I crave I want to free hie his mind, but I&39;m afraid that he’s already too faded…
