Buffalo Valley

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Buffalo Valley
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Time: 8 month ago

Buffalo Valley (Dakota 4) In this chare Everyone thinks Vaughn Kyle has cohn was named after Hassie&39;s dead son, and this is the first time he&39;s cohn&39;s fiancée, Natalie Nichols, works for the Value-X conglohn to use this visit as a scouting trip to evaluate Buffalo Valley as a location for one of their superstores If that store gets built, it will be goodbye Main Street, including Hassie Knight&39;s drugstore Once Vaughn meets Hassie&39;s assistant, Carrie Hendrickson, it doesn&39;t take long for hi one of the ht between Value-X and Buffalo Valley, between Natalie&39;s corporate savvy and Carrie&39;s country-girl smarts, and between the future he always envisioned for hilimpsed in the unique little town
